5 Things I Do Well {Listable Life}

Today’s Listable Life topic?

5 Things I Do Well.

Let’s get started!

1. Have the superhuman ability to tune out fussy, whiney, teary toddlers in certain situations.

Like when I’m trying to get the girls dressed in a hurry because we’re going to be 3 minutes late for church {again} and therefore be doomed to sit in the crying room where every toddler {including our own} thinks it’s a free-for-all.

Or when I’m trying to make dinner so we can eat before 7pm. I honestly do care that you’re sad because you finished your goldfish cracker snack over an hour ago or that your sister took a bite out of the crayon you were coloring with. I’m just going to keep on chopping up veggies while you wail to save time. 

2. Sleep soundly with two baby monitors blaring on my bedside table. 

Little O sleeps with a floor fan on full blast. Baby H sleeps with a sound machine set firmly to “womb noise.” Lots of wooshing and heartbeats and white noise going on about a foot from my head every night. 

3. Rolling my eyes at the Hubs when he treats our dog like a chid. 

I love the Hubs with all of my heart. And of course, I love Lilly too. But sometimes the two of them are slightly out-of-control on the BFF front. I’m just sayin’… 

4. Changing diapers. Lots and lots and lots of diapers. 

One day not too long ago, I texted the Hubs at work & accused him of bribing the girls into making as many messy diapers as humanly possible in one day. We were at 3 for each girl before lunchtime. If changing diapers is an art form, I have perfected it.

This particular day also served as inspiration to potty train Little O. Good times.

{Picture of Little O sitting on her trainer toilet should go here, but due to the possibility of the image resurfacing once she reaches junior high, I decided to keep that one safe in the family albums}.

5. Being the fixer of all things. The wiper of all tears. The kisser of all ouchies. And the always-open arms to hug and snuggle. 

Sure, being a momma is a lot of work. The hardest job on earth, in fact. Lucky for me, I also find it the most rewarding. When I kiss those sweet girls goodnight each night, I marvel at the awesome responsibility of raising two children. The fact that I get to be the fixer, the tear-wiper, the ouchie-kisser and the come-here-my-hug-will-make-it-all-better person is just an incredible gift


What about you? What’s something that you do well? Share in the comment section below and have a GREAT day!

Counting My Kisses: I’m loving the Listable Life series! A big thank-you to Nicole over at Moments that Define Life blog~ it’s such fun to work on this list every week & link up! Of course, I’m thankful for every day as a mommy. Outside of the mommy scope, there are lots of things I think I’m good at: listening, laughing, writing, drinking wine…what about you?

16 thoughts on “5 Things I Do Well {Listable Life}

  1. Like you, I am very good at drinking wine – especially after a day where #1 happens. That one made me laugh out loud and nod my head in agreement. I'm so glad you are enjoying this linkup. It's really be so much fun for me too! Oh…and your husband and the dog…too funny. 🙂

    • Thanks Nicole! I love drinking wine~ and like you said, when #1 happens it makes it all the more enjoyable {and necessary}. 🙂 Thanks for hosting such a fun linkup each week!

  2. Amy ==

    You are too modest!! You are a fantastic daughter to your Dad and I and I am so thankful for that. You are a very good cook and make many delicious meals. You are an imagative and creatvie person and that results in your beautiful writing. You are a fantastic sister to Lor, Jenna and Seanski. You are thoughtful and fun and crazy.. Lastly, you are a productive consumer === clothes, toys, jewerly, shoes, ect. The economy has been/ will always be in good shape as long as you are on the earth. Love you to the moon and back for all aspects of you. xoxoxox

  3. I'm actually pretty great at changing diapers myself. It's a good skill to have! It'll definitely take some adjusting for me to be able to sleep a baby monitor next to me because my apartment is so noisy. But so far my daughter still sleeps in my room so I don't have to worry about it yet.

    • Thanks for stopping by Venassa! Congrats on your little one and best of luck when you have to sleep with that baby monitor by your head. Lol! 🙂

  4. You do tons of things right Ams! Let see something I did right today was go to AAA with my hubs to research vacation spots for this year. Makes for a very happy day! 🙂

    • Just visited your blog, Tulip is SO cute {and I love her name!}. So great to see schnauzer lovers…this is my first dog, but my husband grew up with mini schnauzers. They really are such sweet dogs {Lilly is currently napping on my feet}. Thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂

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