Your parents used to be so cool

Dear Little O and Baby H,

Your Daddy & I love this stage of life that we’re at with you girls. Lots of giggles and playing, pretending and coloring, building and sorting.

You both give me hugs and kisses when I get you out of bed every morning.

You rush to the door each night when Daddy comes home from work, sailing {and speed-crawling} into his open arms and breathlessly filling him in on the day {or flapping excitedly & talking in adorable baby babble}.

We know there will come a time and a place in your lives where your Daddy & I will stop being so cool. In fact, you’ll probably drop the “Mommy” and “Daddy” altogether, which is another post entirely.

But on that day when you decide that we are the most uncool people you’ve ever met, and how you can’t believe you’re stuck with us as parents for the rest of your lives… 

We’d like you to read this. And refer back to it as necessary.

To our {future} teenage daughters: your parents used to be so cool.

And we can prove it.

1. Jello wrestling.  

Your dad & his college roommates planned the best theme parties. {Of course, we were all 21, so it was acceptable for us to enjoy a party here and there with our friends!}.

Their crowing glory was the jello wrestling party. They made jello for days in any type of plastic container they could get their hands on. Bowls, cups, tupperware, plastic sweater bins…after all, it takes a lot of jello to fill a pool. 

I know, I know. Our coolness factor just went way up.

2. College camp-outs.

We did our fair share of camping out in the union with our friends, waiting in line for tickets to big basketball games or for the best hotel in the college-wide beginning-of-summer trip {see #4}. It was always really fun. And always really, really cold. 

3. Big occasions. 

Every once and a while, it’s fun to get dressed up and go to a sorority formal. We clean up pretty nicely, no? 

4. End-of-the-year trips.

Hundreds & hundreds of our classmates headed to Florida for a week after classes wrapped up in May. Best.time.EVER. 

5. The bar car. 

Your Uncle G had a car that we all lovingly referred to as “the bar car.” During our post-college/early-professional days {read: when we could still go out and bounce back the next day}, we’d all pile into G’s bar car and park it downtown. It wasn’t the prettiest vehicle, but it was safe and sturdy, and perfect for leaving overnight.

After having a great time out, we’d take cabs back home and draw straws the next afternoon over who had to go back downtown to pick up the bar car. Co-workers at my PR firm thought this concept was both hilarious and strangely practical. 

6. Weddings.

Friends are very, very important to us. And so when the wedding train started moving and the wedding invitations started rolling in, we made our very best effort to be at every single wedding that we could.

We toasted to 23 amazing couples in an 18-month period. And lots more outside of that time frame, of course. But 23 weddings in 18 months? That’s something to smile about. 

7. Our wedding. 

Your dad & I love to have fun. And obviously love to throw a good party {see #1}. Our wedding was no exception. And you can’t help but feel pretty cool on your wedding day. After all, there are all of these incredible people taking time out of their busy lives to celebrate you and your love. 

Plus our friends got us really awesome luggage for the honeymoon, ensuring that we’d be extra cool in Mexico. 

8. Lilly.

We started off small & fluffy with our parenting skills. We learned the ropes with Lilly for a year and a half before trying our parenting on actual human beings {aka you girls}.

Getting a dog made us instantly cooler, at least in our eyes. And it helped us fit into our new neighborhood when we moved, since it seemed like everyone either had kids or a dog. 

9. Travel.

We love to travel. 

This will only benefit you girls as you get older & we can explore more of the world with you. Your dad will encourage you to study abroad. I’ll stop sleeping for six months straight while you experience another beautiful language and culture, and gain a little independence to boot.

It’s a really big world full of lots of incredible places to visit. Amazing people to learn from. It’s also a scary world, so you need to be smart and safe. We’ll help you with that. See? So cool.

10. You

Quite simply, the coolest thing we’ve ever done is decide to become parents. You girls shine so brightly that it’s hard to remember a time when you weren’t illuminating our lives.

We love you with all of our hearts and we will always love you. Always

So years & years from now, when you’re in high school or college and wondering how on earth your parents are so uncool…remember that coolness is in the eye of the beholder.

And feel free to re-read this post and marvel at how cool we actually were. And still are.

Counting My Kisses: This post was a blast to put together~ such a fun trip down memory lane! Did you used to be so cool {like the Hubs & I}? Share HOW you were cool in the comments section, and feel free to link up your own post as well! Have a GREAT weekend!

36 thoughts on “Your parents used to be so cool

  1. You guys used to be cool and you still are cool! And girls, if you want any cool/embarrassing moments that your parents were a part of, come to your Auntie Jen – I can tell you all about them 😉 Awesome post! You guys are great parents and always a super fun time to hang out with! Thanks for being the “cool parents!”

    • LOL…thanks Jen! I feel like you & Lala & Sean will be telling the girls ALL sorts of stories in a few years, just like we used to beg our aunts for their funny stories! Just wait though…what goes around comes around, and I can definitely tell your future children a thing or two about you guys. 😉

      Thanks for telling us we’re cool parents lol…maybe remind the girls of that in a few years! xoxo

  2. Oh what fun we had when we were cool!!! Jello wrestling was the best!!! Oh and daytona, basketball games and formals!!!! And how life changes!! Now, i cannot stay up until midnight and a movie night at home is the perfect night!!!

    • Laura~ I ALMOST put in the post that you were my jello wrestling partner {but according to the Hubs, we were more like two little kids splashing around in a pool!}. Lol!. We DID have so much fun back in our cool days…so lucky to have you as part of so many of those great memories!

  3. Fun post! I can’t look at those Jello wrestling pictures without being reminded that the stuff was all over our house for the last few weeks of college. Seriously…it was on everything. And lord knows we couldn’t be bothered to clean it. 🙂

    • Thanks Lynn! Ohhhh I know, there was sticky red jello EVERYWHERE for those last few weeks of school, but why bother to clean it?! 🙂

      And don’t forget about that orangey-red hue that we all sported for a day or two until it finally faded away. Such great memories!! 🙂

    • Aww thanks Corinne! It was such a fun post to write, a nice little trip down memory lane. 🙂 The Hubs & I will always think we’re cool…we’ll see what the girls think in a few years. So far we’re golden! 🙂

  4. We were all there once, weren’t we? And how cool we all were. Isn’t it amazing that we lived through it and that we turned out, pretty OK, to actually become parents?

    • You are so right Aunt Diann~ amazing that we all turned out okay, and that now we’re parents & in charge of these amazing little girls.

      Who would have thought back in those cool days that we’d become parents?! And now I can’t imagine doing anything else with my nights but tucking our sweet girls in. 🙂 xoxo

  5. Loved going back down memory lane with you! The jello party looks SO FUN. Loved that! Your girls are adorable. Your youngest looks so much like you! So glad you linked up with us for #findingthefunny! Following you now. 🙂

  6. I absolutely loved this! Your memories brought back my memories – especially loved the jello! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up. PS – LOVE your new blog design!

    • Anna~ thanks!! The jello party was pretty much the epitome of our coolness. Lol. Awesome link-up party, I love having so many funny posts in one spot!

      So glad you like the new blog design too! 🙂

  7. I’m going to write a letter like this to my son, haha!
    I’d like to think my husband and I were cool, in that we set the “trend” to get married! We were the first among our common friends to tie the knot, and after that it was like three weddings a year! We’ve all got kids now, for whom we will all one day be writing letters like these. 🙂

    HAPPY SITS DAY, too! 🙂

    • Martine~ LOL. It definitely sounds like you & your husband were the cool trendsetters! 🙂 So fun~ thanks for stopping by Counting My Kisses!

  8. Happt SITS day! Just discovered your blog through thier site and am so glad I did! What a cute post! I like the idea of writing a letter to let your kids know how cool you are. Too funny!

  9. LOVE this post! It made me laugh and cry at the same time. (I get a little weepy when I think about my baby growing up! I have issues like that!) Love your blog. Thanks for sharing today!

  10. As a parent who as been uncool for many years and is now slowly inching her way ack towards the coolness factor, I wish I had thought of this myself! Happy SITS day.

  11. If I had ever, as a teenager, seen pictures of my parents covered in jello, I might have crawled into a hole and never come out. But then again, what’s the point of having kids if you can’t embarrass the hell out of them? Happy SITS day!

  12. I love that you did this! As the mother of three teenagers, I can tell you that, yes, indeed, they will be embarrassed to be seen with you! I like your photographic evidence that you had a life before them. I get some good mileage out of my teenagers in my fourth book, I’ve Had It Up To Here With Teenagers. It comes out this month. My oldest son, a high school senior, writes the last chapter, “The Rebuttal.” I think you are off to a GREAT start with your little ones. Prepare yourself, however: INCOMING!!!!

  13. Very sweet post and funny too. I doubt it will convince them though when they are teens. I can’t seem to convince my daughter now just how cool 80s music was. Oh well…
    Happy SITS day belated!

  14. I loved this post because it was not only entertaining, but it’s smart. How cool to get AHEAD of the problem that all parents face, really.

    I didn’t even know you and your husband “back in the day” but can tell that you have loved each other for years and have had a ton of fun loving experiences also.

    Happy SITS FB Day!

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